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About Fiqh

About Fiqh

he department was established at the beginning of the academic year 1992/1993 under the title “Al-Fiqh and Islamic Studies”. It was changed into “Al-Fiqh and its origins” as decided by the Deans Council (no. 1/2002) dated on 8/1/2001. It awards BA degree in Al-Fiqh and its origins, in addition to the MA degree in Al-Fiqh. The department is looking forward to establish an MA and PhD program in Al-Fiqh origins, Comparative Fiqh and Al-Ifata’ as one of the university elective courses, and organize annual visits to the Holy places in the pilgrimage season, as a part of training in Al-Fiqh course (2) among the department obligatory courses, in addition to Al-Omra visits.

The department contributes in all university and faculty in activities and local community in religious occasions, school, mosques, Islamic cultural clubs, and Friday ceremonies.

The students contribute in the faculty Open Day, symposiums and specialized courses. The faculty members also take the responsibility of answering all the questions raised by the public in various Islamic issues and have good academic links with the departments in other universities, which lead to a good cooperative relation with the local community and universities.


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