Competition Quranic quarterly unannounced at the Faculty of Law under the supervision and follow-up, Dr. Mohammed Rababa'a; aims to encourage students of a private law students and public university to save the book of God and ponder its meaning, and the idea of this contest on advertising Sura which will be a contest, to be announced at the beginning of each semester. , the competition held at the end of Chapter participating students, and are assessed test involves two aspects:
Assess conservation; and 50% is allocated to him a sign to assess the extent of keeping student Surat stones.
Evaluation of forethought and understanding; and allotted 50% mark to assess the student's understanding of the verses of Sura precious connotations and meanings.
And it honors the winners of the students in this competition on a quarterly basis and provide them with awards in honor and appreciation for them.
Another contest announced at the College of Sharia and this chapter under the supervision of Dr. Mohammed Rababa'a to save Alzahrowin (Sura and Sura) with their interpretation, and will honor the winner of the first and second trip Umrah introduction of competition Musharraf Dr. Mohammed Rababa'a.
The following are the names of the winning students in a competition Save and manage held during the previous seasons:
First: Save and manage the competition (1) Al-Nur: This competition was held the first semester of the academic year 2014/2015 m.
Won first place in the student: Sheba Baol
And it won the second place student: AIX Saad
Won third place student: light black
And won the fourth place the student: as Hammad
Second: Save and manage the competition (2) Al-Baqarah: This competition was held the second semester of the academic year 2014/2015 m.
The results of the competition were as follows:
Won first place in the student: AIX Saad
And it won the second place student: Sheba Baol
He won third place student: Suhaib Hani
And won fourth place student Manal Qrecat
And he won the fifth place student: light black
Thirdly Save: Competition and ponder (3) Cave: This competition was held the summer semester of the academic year 2014/2015 m.
The results of the competition were as follows:
Won first place in the student: Sheba Baol
And it won the second place student: light black
He won third place student: Saad Al Samadi
And it won the fourth place the student: Ayatollah al-Saad
He won fifth place Student: Ahmed Saad
And it won the sixth place student: Tasneem Rababa'a
And it won the seventh place student: Tasneem Amarabh
And it won the eighth place student: Sarah Said
Fourth: Save and manage the competition (4) Surat Al-Imran: This competition was held the first of the school year 2015/2016 m semester.
The results of the competition were as follows:
Won first place in the student: Sheba Baol
And it won the second place student: light black
Won third place student: Mariam Mohammed
And it won the fourth place the student: Farah Thiabat
Fifth: Save and manage the competition (5) Nisa: This competition was held the second semester of the academic year 2015/2016 m.
The date of the test for the contest on Sunday, 06/05