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Preachers Competition

In order to raise the level of our students in the College of Sharia in the scientific and practical sides, and equip them with important skills in their field and prepare them for their field as well as to motivate them to fill their leisure time Bnaf and hard work, which dates back to them and to their community and their country ....
The idea of launching the college preacher competition and preachers college and supervised by Dr. Mohammed Rababa'a Islamic media professor, a quarterly contest to be announced at the beginning of each semester and advanced college students to register it, and then held at the end of the competition which leads participants delivered speeches before a panel of professors the college and in the presence of college students, so they can be the announcement of the winners in the contest according to a mechanism dedicated to evaluate and model, and gets the first winner of the overall title of the preacher.
It has been held ever since the idea was launched four competitions over the past four classrooms, and distributed Honorary Shields was composed on the following winners:

The results of the college competition preachers (1) held in the first semester of the academic year 2014/2015 m
Won first place with the title of preachers college student Ikram Ammarin
Second student: Russell Rawashdeh
Third student Farah Thiabat
Fourth student Rawabi thanks
Fifth student verses advocate

The results of the college competition preachers (2) held in the second semester of the academic year 2014/2015 m
Won first place with the title of preachers college student Sabrine Dridi
Second student: Naima Al-Awadi
Third student Ishtar Fraana
Fourth student Russell Rawashdeh
Fifth student piety Tahat

The results of the college competition preachers (3) held in the first semester of the academic year 2015/2016 m
Won first place with the title of preachers college student gift Kayed
Second place two students: Farah Thiabat and Mariam Abu Jabara
Third student paper Amawi
Fourth student please Bani Issa

Competition results preachers College (4) held in the second semester of the academic year 2015/2016 m
Won first place with the title of preachers college student Maria Khatib
Second place student life Abu Alheija loyalty Zghoul.
Third student paper Amawi ..
Fourth student prayer Shakhshir

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